Bording Service


The school provides hostel service for those who needs whereby we have good hostels for  both girl and boys and its inside the school compound which is secured in fences and security guard is there as well as matron and patron.

We provide the appropriate education to the learners after class hours  with a view of preparing them academically, socially, spatially and  physical  so as to  make  them responsible generation beneficial to the society.

We strive to create safe environment at boarding where students can  have fun while studying themselves

Locee Pre & Primary school is equiped with a condusive learning environment with spacious modern classrooms.

  • All the scholastic learning material are available at school 

  • We have the most  High quality play ground equipments which enable the children to enjoy learning 

  • The school has a well facilitated furnished toilet block which guarantees pupils' sanitation and hygyne 

  • Locee Pre & Primary  school is sorrounded by a very strong well constructed fence which ensures security for the Children 

We both provide full time and weekly boarding services. For those who want their childrean to go back home for weekend they are picked on Friday evenings and brought back on sunday evenings. Boarding pupils enjoy extra parental care provided by experienced matrons. Pupils watch educational TV programmes which enhance their learning capacity
